Eleni, a 15-year-old pianist, has pursued her passion for music from an early age, and is currently enrolled in the pre-college program at the Manhattan School of Music, where she has been studying under Dr. Solomon Mikowsky, and now Dr. Jiayin Li. Eleni has won numerous piano competitions, earning accolades that highlight her commitment and artistry. Among her achievements are awards at the Mannes Summer Piano Festival and Music Fest Perugia, where she showcased her talents to International audiences. She has also had the privilege of participating in masterclasses with acclaimed professors; Ian Jones, Pavlina Dokovska, Eteri Anjaparidze, and Katarzyna Popowa-Zydron. During her time away from the piano, Eleni is an avid reader and a remarkable writer, immersing herself in stories and honing her creative expression through words.

Hear Eleni at the Semi-Finals on Saturday January 25, 2025.
JANUARY 25, 2025
Session 1 - 11:00 AM
Session 2 - 1:45PM
Performers for each session announced on January 24, 2025.